Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Journal 9

Are Schools Inhibiting 21st Century Learning? Dave Nagel, The Journal, April 2008

This article had several good points. It states that due to our concern for protecting our children, we are actually inhibiting our children's access to Internet knowledge. They spoke to many teenagers who agree. There are many websites blocked by over-vigilant security systems, and too much "fear" on the parts of the administrators, educators and parents.

Mobile technologies are also on the rise. Administrators, teachers, students and parents all agreed that mobile technologies are here to stay, and that they would greatly enhance the learning experience. The best choice was of course, 1:1 laptops for all students. Well, they've definitely got my vote on that one!!

Question 1: Am I guilty of letting fear of the unknown guide my judgement on explorations for my students on the Internet?
Answer: In some ways, I am. I want to make sure that I have taken every precaution necessary to protect my students, but in some ways, due to my own ignorance regarding technology, I am definitely hesitant.

Question 2: How can I best benefit my students in this constantly changing world of technology?
Answer: I will simply have to do my homework and try to stay ahead of the game. I will explore the Internet on my own, as well as collaborate with my peers through some of the professional organizations that I belong to. The collaborative websites that we have been exposed to through this class will definitely be a great resource.